Adult Probation and Parole
Home / Sector Solutions / Adult Probation & Parole
The Change Companies offers evidence-based supervision/case management curricula developed with several United States probation offices. These cognitive-behavioral resources enable positive interactions with clients’ support teams, helping clients address their individual need areas based on the results of a risk and needs assessment.
At The Change Companies, we put the tools for change directly into the hands of clients and equip staff with tools for person-centered care in one convenient platform. Our core solution for adult probation and parole includes The Courage to Change curriculum, built on the evidence-based practice of Interactive Journaling®.
In addition to evidence-based curricula, our core solution includes access to the Fidelity Platform and live training for staff to ensure your organization is implementing best practices and gaining relevant skills for effective, person-centered programming.
This page provides an end-to-end solution for probation & parole professionals that includes curriculum, training and additional clinical resources.
Risk-Need-Responsive Case Management Curriculum | |
Staff Training and Skill Building | |
Additional Need-Specific Resources | |
Digital Curriculum (Atlas) |
Solution Benefits
NO. 1
Effective Reintegration Practices: Use evidence-based practices to reduce recidivism and facilitate successful reentry.
NO. 4
Empowered Probation Staff: Enhance job satisfaction and effectiveness by providing probation officers with comprehensive training and support, promoting staff retention.
NO. 2
Uniform Supervision Standards: Consistency and fidelity across POs ensures equitable and effective supervision, boosting trust in the probation system.
NO. 5
Measure and Improve: Measurement and assessment tools enable real-time evaluation of program effectiveness and drive accountability.
NO. 3
Risk-Needs-Responsivity Alignment: Works with all risk levels and RNR models, ensuring probationers receive appropriate supervision and interventions based on their specific risk levels.
NO. 6
Accessibility: Facilitation and client-facing materials accommodate diverse educational backgrounds; Spanish resources are available.
“[Interactive Journaling®] has become an integral and valuable tool in our supervision process.” Silvio Lugo, Chief, U.S. Pretrial Services, Northern District of California
“The Courage to Change [Interactive Journaling® System] matches up perfectly with the TRAS domains, and our officers utilize it for all high and moderate risk offenders on direct supervision. The ongoing support from The Change Companies has helped us develop a successful tool to address criminogenic needs identified by the TRAS.” Allen Bell, Agency Director, Midland Judicial District CSCD
“Our clients are actually looking at their future instead of just living moment to moment or day to day. They are really thinking about what they are doing and are able to put together that… it is time for a change in thinking.” Cheri Lowe, Probation officer, Oklahoma County
Risk-Need-Responsive Case Management Curriculum
View Central 8 Criminogenic Domains alignment →
The Courage to Change is an evidence-based supervision/case management model developed in collaboration with several United States probation offices. Through the use of this cognitive-behavioral system and interaction with their support team, participants address their individual problem areas based on a criminogenic risk and needs assessment. Implementation is flexible and can be customized based on risk, responsivity and programming needs. By personalizing the information presented in the Journals to their own circumstances, participants will develop a record of their commitments and progress throughout probation and a roadmap to success in their efforts to make positive behavior change. Topics include:
Orientation to supervision
Social values
Responsible thinking (cognitive-behavioral approach)
Peer relationships
Family ties
Substance use
Seeking employment
Recreation and leisure
Staff Training and Skill Building
Download the training options guide →
Fidelity Platform
The Change Companies’ Fidelity Platform is an integrated resource center providing a wide range of learning opportunities and resources to enhance the skills and knowledge of probation/parole professionals. On-demand trainings, a microlearning library and facilitator resources support continuous learning and improvement that are relevant to job roles and career development.
Live Training
The Change Companies’ two-day facilitator training helps probation/parole professionals further develop their skills. Live training focuses on building helpful working relationships with clients, practicing motivational skills, preparing for sessions and using evidence-based case management techniques.
Case Studies and Research
One study on The Change Companies' core probation and parole case management curriculum indicated the following:
75-80% showed a decrease in conduct issues
75% felt they understood the concepts and applied them in their lives
75-80% of staff indicated an increase in job satisfaction
Significant increases were demonstrated in cognitive insight
Additional Need-Specific Resources
Browse curricula in our online store →
The Women’s Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA) represents the only suite of peer-reviewed risk/need instruments designed by and for system-impacted women. The WRNA helps staff, and the women they supervise, identify clients’ criminogenic needs while better understanding their strengths. The instrument facilitates case planning to appropriate gender-responsive programs to address women’s specific needs, which is crucial to reducing women’s recidivism and improving the lives of women and their families. The Change Companies’ WRNA Collection is a collection of gender-responsive curriculum interventions that directly align with the WRNA domains. Endorsed by Dr. Emily Salisbury, one of the WRNA’s original creators, this collection can help professionals collaboratively develop comprehensive, individualized service plans that effectively address the unique needs of the women they serve.
The Financial Literacy curriculum gives participants the opportunity to explore their money management skills and their beliefs about finances. Topics include checking, saving and investing, credit and loans, insurance, financial pitfalls, budgeting and thriving with money.
The Career Exploration curriculum allows participants to explore how their current strengths, skills and interests align with a career path. Participants develop a plan for pursuing their identified career path and learn strategies to experience success in applying for, getting and keeping a job.
My Life in Recovery applies the latest research in addiction, mental health and personal change theory for participants in treatment for addiction. The Journals in the My Life in Recovery curriculum can help participants work toward success in treatment and a healthier, happier life. These Journals can be individualized and tailored to the unique needs of each participant.
The DAPPER-3 is designed to facilitate truly individualized treatment planning by focusing the clinician’s attention on those factors that either require immediate attention or should be considered priorities for the treatment plan.
The Medication Assisted Treatment Journal takes a whole-person approach to treatment and recovery, giving participants the opportunity to not only learn more about medication as a form of treatment, but to gain skills and insights that will help them make positive life changes, set healthy goals and live a full life in recovery.
Strengthening My Parenting Skills helps participants explore what parenting means to them and the ways they plan to support their children now and in the future.