Impaired Driving
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The Change Companies offers the most widely replicated impaired driving early intervention model, along with the ability to tailor that model to the specific needs, program structure and populations served by state providers. Our impaired driving curricula (custom-tailored versions available in 16 states) have been associated with statistically significant reductions in recidivism among program participants.
Curriculum offerings include first-time and multiple impaired driving offender education programs, traffic safety programs for high-risk drivers, prevention programs serving new drivers, drug education intervention programs, programs for young people convicted of alcohol/drug and other related offenses, and drug and alcohol treatment programs as an extension of intensive impaired driving interventions. Curricula are available in digital formats for distance learning and includes pre-/post-tests to evaluate use and outcomes.
At The Change Companies, we put the tools for change directly into the hands of clients and equip staff with tools for person-centered care in one convenient platform. Select from a variety of curricula built on the evidence-based practice of Interactive Journaling® to create your customized solution.
In addition to evidence-based curricula, our core solution includes access to the Fidelity Platform and live training for staff to ensure your organization is implementing best practices and gaining relevant skills for effective, person-centered treatment.
This page provides an end-to-end solution for impaired driving professionals that includes curriculum, training and additional clinical resources.
Evidence-based Impaired Driving Interventions | |
Staff Training and Skill Building | |
Case Studies |
Solution Benefits
NO. 1
See results: Proven resource for DUI programs
NO. 3
Customizable for your state
NO. 2
Accessibility: Available in both paper and digital formats
NO. 4
Cost effective: Save lives for less than a drug/alcohol assessment
“Results across diverse states and populations reveal that The Change Companies®’ curricula are associated with statistically significant reductions in recidivism among program participants. These findings were significant across varied demographic factors, such as gender, age and ethnicity.” Denise B. Ernst, PhD, Recidivism rates following The Change Companies’ impaired driving curricula
“Overall, offenders rated Interactive Journaling as helpful and reported that they planned to keep their journals for future reference following program completion… Preliminary findings suggest that Interactive Journaling appears widely accepted by Level-II DUI and DWI offenders…” Scheck et al., Interactive journaling as a brief intervention for Level-II DUI and DWI offenders
“A curriculum which meets the ASAM 0.5 Level of Care: Early Intervention requirements allows providers to meet all impaired driving offenders where they are and present the opportunity for more treatment if necessary.” Dr. David Mee-Lee, Chief Editor of the ASAM Criteria, 3rd edition
“We LOVE the Interactive Journals. Interactive Journaling is easy and affordable to get up and running. We really like the Impaired Driving Awareness video and the flexibility of implementing the Journals.” Pioneer Counseling Services, Evanston, WY
Evidence-based Impaired Driving Interventions
Browse curricula in our online store →
Below are our recommended curricula for impaired driving. These curricula incorporate the evidence-based practice of Interactive Journaling® and help you create a person-centered program design.
Adult intervention: Modular
The Flex Modules (also availabe in Spanish) have proven effective in improving offenders’ knowledge and attitudes, increasing personal responsibility and commitment to change and decreasing recidivism. The Flex Modules can be delivered in a modular format to best fit the unique needs of your organization and participants. The modules can be used with a range of impaired driving programming, including first- and multiple-offender programs.
Adult intervention: All-in-one resource
Responsible Decisions (also availabe in Spanish) is an impaired driving program built upon leading evidence-based strategies for behavior change, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing principles and the stages of change model. The curriculum can be used with a range of impaired driving programming, including first- and multiple-offender programs.
Adolescent diversion
Alternatives is a person-centered approach to youth education, designed to provide facts, tools and support for those dealing with alcohol and other substance-related violations. Individuals learn personal responsibility and practice making positive, long-lasting behavior changes that will lead to healthier choices in the future.
Adult addiction treatment
My Life in Recovery applies the latest research in addiction, mental health and personal change theory for participants in treatment for addiction. The Journals in the My Life in Recovery curriculum can help participants work toward success in treatment and a healthier, happier life. These Journals can be individualized and tailored to the unique needs of each participant.
Adolescent addiction treatment
The Keep It Direct amd Simple (KIDS) curriculum is specifically designed for adolescents in behavioral health and addiction treatment programs. It highlights core concepts appropriate for the adolescent using a nonjudgmental focus on positive, strength-based strategies. Participants explore what brought them into treatment and learn strategies to make meaningful, lasting changes.
Marijuana harm reduction
What About Marijuana? presents the facts and potential risks of marijuana use and guides participants in weighing these risks against their personal reasons for use. This curriculum is designed to help youth and adults consider their use of cannabis and what changes they may want to explore making.
Custom impaired driving curricula
Sixteen states choose to customize their impaired driving curricula with The Change Companies. Customization provides the opportunity to include laws, penalties, statistics and other information unique to the state. We look forward to working together to develop resources that meet your state’s program needs.
Triage Assessment for Addictive Disorders (TAAD-5)
The TAAD-5 is a brief structured interview designed to identify current alcohol and drug problems. This 10-minute assessment tool covers all DSM-5 criteria for substance use disorders. It offers high internal reliability.
Job and Vocational Attitudes Assessment (JAVAA)
The JAVAA is useful as part of EAP evaluations for employees returning to the workplace after substance use treatment, including for CDL license renewal following a DUI. It includes measures of attitudes, work relationships, recovery strategy, insight, emotional well-being, anger resolution and support systems.
Staff Training and Skill Building
Download the training options guide →
Fidelity Platform
The Change Companies’ Fidelity Platform is an integrated resource center providing a wide range of learning opportunities and resources to enhance the skills and knowledge of impaired driving professionals. On-demand trainings, a microlearning library featuring impaired driving session vignettes, and facilitator resources support continuous learning and improvement that are relevant to job roles and career development.
Live Training
The Change Companies’ two-day facilitator training helps impaired driving professionals further develop their skills. Live training focuses on building helpful working relationships with clients, practicing motivational skills, preparing for sessions and using evidence-based case management techniques.
Case Studies and Research
The Change Companies' impaired driving curricula have been associated with significant reductions in impaired driving recidivism rates according to four independent evaluations. Significantly, this effect was found across four states with very different approaches to impaired driving remediation and evaluation.