In SAVVY & STUMP THE SHRINK, is residential care the first priority in responding to the increase in opioid overdoses? Some States mandate certain periods of time that ban managed care authorizations and requirements for individualized treatment. I suggest that what we really need in addiction treatment is not just more residential beds and time.
In SKILLS & SYSTEMS, treatment providers and Managed Care Organizations should not be “lined up on different sides of the aisle”. To determine initial length of stay and authorization periods for an addiction client, think about what you would do for other health conditions.
In SOUL, Fred IV enters my world and joins Siri, Google and my Toyota Prius to help me navigate my cleaning, driving and knowledge worlds.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published a Vital Statistics Rapid Release document that showed overdose deaths during the pandemic rose to the highest levels since the opioid epidemic began:
Tip 1
What do you believe should be the priorities for treatment of Opioid Use Disorder? Are more residential beds the answer?
With the overdose rates up, there is a push for more funding for addiction services. There should be, but often this is a call for more residential beds as if that is the first treatment of choice. Many still think of addiction treatment as:
The ASAM Criteria (American Society of Addiction Medicine) articulates a continuum of care for addiction that includes but is not limited to residential treatment (See Table below).
Treatment Levels of Service (The ASAM Criteria 2013, pp 106-107)
1 Outpatient Services
2 Intensive Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization Services
3 Residential/Inpatient Services
4 Medically-Managed Intensive Inpatient Services
Tip 2 Some States have embraced longer lengths of stay in residential treatment as a priority in the opioid crisis. They limit Managed Care Organizations’ ability to require individualized treatment Colette Croze, Principal of Croze Consulting asked me about residential levels of care and managed care authorization processes. Here, in part, is her question: For the past five years I ….worked with many states as they developed their Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) 1115 Substance Use Disorders (SUD) waivers. Now I’m working with several on a variety of issues (residential utilization, expanding access to Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD), etc.) A couple of the states are having difficulties with their Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) in terms of the length of authorization periods for residential treatment. I’m sure you’ve seen the tussle between MCOs who don’t really yet understand the purpose of residential treatment and providers who define it more often as a length of stay rather than a clinical regimen. While I totally embrace the principle that residential stays are individually based, it seems like there could be some “rules of thumb” as guidance for MCOs so that they’re not using the standard 3-day periods for initial and continuing authorizations. I’ve put some formative thoughts on paper and wondered if you’d be so kind as to give me feedback. SUD RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT LEVELS OF CARE EXPECTED LENGTH OF STAY, INITIAL AUTHORIZATION PERIOD AND CONTINUED STAY PERIOD Reference Points from Other States Massachusetts Medicaid Requirements of MCOs o Level 3.1 No authorization for 90 days o Level 3.5 No authorization for 14 days o Level 3.7 No authorization for 14 days New York State Statute o 2017 law: no authorization for 14 days o 2020 revision: no authorization for 28 days Proposal: Use these as benchmarks for recommendations on Medicaid requirements for MCOs around authorization periods, both initial and continued stay. (Also need to evaluate them in the context of the 1115 waiver cap of average residential use of 30 days/year.) |
Tip 3
Recommending expected lengths of stay, and set authorization periods for initial and continued stay reviews works against individualized, outcomes-driven care.
Here is my response to Collette:
I understand the dilemma and your attempt to give some guidelines to MCOs. But such length of stay (LOS) guidelines perpetuate a program-driven, fixed LOS mentality. New York State, Massachusetts and maybe other states have instituted such LOS guidelines as a result, in my opinion of:
What we need is:
Unintended consequences When there are recommended LOS guidelines and set authorization review periods:
Collette’s response: Thanks for the thoughts. I couldn’t agree with you more about the over-reliance on residential treatment and the lack of patient-driven outpatient options. This current phase where providers and MCOs are lined up on different sides of the aisle is just so difficult.
With treatment providers and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) “lined up on different sides of the aisle”, how can we change SKILLS and SYSTEMS to work together to promote lasting recovery? What can we do together rather than lock in expected lengths of stay, and set authorization periods for initial and continued stay reviews?
Tip 1
If in doubt about addiction and what to do, think about what would you do for other health care conditions.
There are no recommended LOS guidelines for:
The LOS all depends on the severity of the patient’s illness, their improved level of function, their progress and outcomes, and what services they need.
Tip 2
How to determine an initial length of stay and authorization period
With competent clinical SKILLS and a SYSTEM of ethical managed care, there is no “aisle”. In other words, treatment providers and MCOs should all have the same goals:
You’d have to tell me about the patient’s unique severity of illness and level of function; and what the diagnoses and multidimensional problems are to determine a reasonable period for review of the stay.
Vignette #1
A person with alcohol use disorder in long term recovery has a tragic loss of a loved one and relapses for a week. The mild withdrawal symptoms do not need medically monitored withdrawal management. He has great recovery supports but has gotten acutely depressed from the loss and started drinking to drown his sorrow. He needs to be stabilized and to get back on track. After 3- 4 days in Level 3.5 (for intense cravings) or Level 3.7 (drinking flared up physical health problems), he is back on track, ready to get back to his support groups and start grief counseling in Level 1, Outpatient treatment.
Vignette #2
A person with opioid use disorder and chronic pain addicted to narcotic medication is having strong cravings to use and has been impulsively using whatever he can find on the street. Just revived from an overdose, he needs to be engaged into treatment to prevent immediate return to the street with life-threatening overdose potential. In addition, while in the 24 hour treatment setting of Level 3.5, he needs close collaboration with a pain specialist. Using motivational enhancement and care management between addiction treatment and pain management, the goal is to try to prevent immediate return to impulsive opioid use.
The clinician and MCO collaborate and estimate that at least 12 -14 days will be needed to work together with the pain specialist. The plan is to transfer the client to Level 3.1 if stable in cravings and impulses to use, but if he is still needing 24 hour living support to continue pain management and engagement in recovery.
Vignette #3
A person with methamphetamine use disorder and co-occurring Major Depression and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) is depressed, partially from withdrawal off methamphetamine and partially as part of ongoing mental health problems. She has been feeling suicidal and overwhelmed after an argument with her male partner and was admitted to Level 3.5 after superficially cutting her wrists. They have been arguing over money but there has been no intimate partner physical abuse. She does have a therapist she trusts and the partner is willing to participate in couples counseling.
The clinician and MCO collaborate and estimate that at least 5 days will be needed to stabilize her depression, reconnect her with her therapist, and to start couples counseling to be sure there will not be an immediate flare-up of arguments. The plan is to transfer the client to Level 1 or 2.1 Intensive Outpatient if stable in her cutting impulses and if the relationship is less volatile.
These three vignettes are just a few of multiple other permutations and combinations of clinical presentations that could give different estimated LOS predictions based on an individualized assessment and treatment approach.
My friend named him “Fred III” because her friend has already had two Freds. I’m not sure what I will call mine, though I’m leaning towards “Fred IV”. It would continue the lineage, but I’ll probably just call him “Fred” for short. Or maybe affectionately “Freddy”.
This week I got my very first robotic vacuum cleaner. I know they have been around for years. Siri, my Apple iPhone assistant, told me they have been available commercially since the 1990s. But on this innovation, I am a late adopter. Freddy has already vacuumed the whole lower floor of my house and all I had to do was empty the dustbin catcher and filter twice. I already love Freddy.
What’s the world coming to? But then I remember I increasingly rely on Siri to help me out. My Toyota Prius warns me if there is a car coming into my blindspot while driving and if I am veering out of my road lane. It even asks me if I “want to take a break?” if I have been driving too long. Best of all, it warns me that I am heading too fast towards impact and if I still don’t listen, it actually brakes the car suddenly for me.
What’s the world coming to? I don’t ask that question with any hint of concern. That’s what people said when they took their first train ride, Ford Model T car ride, or plane ride; and I’m sure glad we have trains, cars and planes. Walking is good, but not all the time. And I am so grateful that I don’t have to carry my Garmin road navigator device everytime I travel; or don’t have to follow those complicated steps to program my car’s navigation system. Not having to pay the big bucks for the full map upgrade every year is also a bonus.
What’s the world coming to? For my world right now, it’s Fred IV, my robotic vacuum cleaner. Thanks Freddy.