Concerns about counseling in Methadone Maintenance Treatment and Harm Reduction approaches; The teenager
Volume 22, No. 12, March 2025
Welcome to the March edition of Tips and Topics.
In SAVVY, in reviewing the manuscript for "Navigating the Methadone Maze: A Guide for Patients and Professionals," I had some concerns about the quality of counseling in Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT).
In SKILLS, even if taking a Harm Reduction approach for people suffering from Opioid Use Disorder, don’t give up on helping the client move in the right direction. Use counseling for their growth and development.
In SOUL, my granddaughter’s teenage birthday reminded me of Gail Sheehy’s 1977 book "Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life." How will my grandgirl handle each of life’s passages? Will she realize the opportunity for creative change and grow to her full potential? How many examples of age-related change will I be granted the opportunity to witness and enjoy in the sunset of my life?