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May 2010 – Tips & Topics

TIPS and TOPICS from David Mee-Lee, M.D.

Volume 8, No. 2

May 2010

In this issue

SAVVY   Assessment Issues in Co-Occurring Disorders
SKILLS   What does the client want?  Understanding retention and resistance
SOUL A recovering Speeder
SHARING SOLUTIONS Innovations from Readers
Until Next Time

Thank-you for joining us for this month’s edition of TIPS and TOPICS.

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April 2010 – Tips & Topics

Untitled Document

TIPS and TOPICS from David Mee-Lee, M.D.
Volume 8, No. 1
April 2010

In this issue
SAVVY  Is Your Innovation Glass Half Empty or Full?
SKILLS Tackling 3 C’s for Healthcare Reform
SOUL   VW, Toyota, and China
Until Next Time

This edition of TIPS and TOPICS (TNT) starts the eighth year of this monthly adventure in communicating to you what crosses my mind for that month.  I had no idea where this would go when I started TNT in April 2003.  And I have no idea where this will go in the coming years. I’ll keep doing it while it is fun and meaningful.

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March 2010 – Tips &Topics

TIPS & TOPICS from David Mee-Lee, M.D.
Volume 7, No.11
March 2010

In this issue

— SAVVY   – Staff Morale and What’s Bugging You?

— SKILLS   – How to Express Powerful Appreciations

— SOUL – Singapore, China and AA
— SUCCESS STORIES  – Conflict: The Benefits of a Policy
— Until Next Time

Welcome to the many new subscribers to TIPS and TOPICS.  Accessing TNT issues just got easier. Look for the button on the right hand side of the home page of The Change Companies

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Subscribe to Tips & Topics

Authored by Dr. David Mee-Lee, “Tips & Topics” is a monthly blog covering three sections: Savvy, Skills and Soul, with additional sections varying from month to month. Topics include Stump the Shrink, Success Stories and Shameless Selling.

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February 2010 – Tips & Topics

TIPS & TOPICS from David Mee-Lee, M.D.
Volume 7, No.10
February 2010

In this issue
— SAVVY   Guiding Principles for Treatment Planning
— SKILLS   Documentation that Makes Sense to Clients
— SOUL Sudden Death and Living Each Day
— STUMP THE SHRINK  Missing appointments and Drug Courts
— Until Next Time

Welcome to the February edition of TIPS and TOPICS.
The content of my previous website is almost fully merged with The Change Companies revamped website with still a few items to post. You can find TIPS and TOPICS Archives if you click on “Tips & Topics” at The Change Companies home page-  The complete Search function is still being put in place. Stay tuned.

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January 2010 – Tips & Topics

Volume 7, No. 9
January 2010

In this issue
— SAVVY – Senior Vice President and what it means for you
— SKILLS – Impaired Driving Article and a Mini -Video
— SOUL – Conan O’Brien and Cynicism
— SHAMELESS SELLING – Get to know The Change Companies
— Until Next Time 

This is a new year, a new decade and for me, a new opportunity to build on the foundations of my 33 years’ life work.  For you as a TIPS and TOPICS (TNT) reader, you will still continue to receive my monthly e-newsletter as always. In addition to access to 7 years of TNT archives and a broader variety of free resources, you will be introduced to a menu of proprietary resources for clients, clinicians, administrators in addiction, mental health and criminal justice settings. 

Starting this month, David Mee-Lee, the psychiatrist, trainer and consultant is joining with The Change Companies and becoming Senior Vice-President. In process right now, (the website) is being merged into


A brand new site is in the making and will be up very soon.

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November 2009 – Tips & Topics

Volume 7, No. 8
November 2009

In this issue

— SAVVY   Pros & Cons of the Medical Model

— SKILLS   Retaining what’s good about the Medical Model

— SOUL Obama, Change, Empathy

— STUMP THE SHRINK Changing how you use Stages of Change

— Until Next Time

Thanks for joining us this month. Welcome to the beginning of the holiday season.

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October 2009 – Tips & Topics

Volume 7, No. 7
October 2009

In this issue
— SAVVY – Lessons from Case Conferences
— SKILLS – Helping People Help Themselves
— SOUL – Common Problems often not Common Knowledge
— Until Next Time

Welcome to the many new subscribers to this October issue of TIPS and TOPICS.  Welcome back to readers, some of whom have been with us for over six years.

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September 2009 – Tips & Topics

Volume 7, No. 6
September 2009

In this issue
— SAVVY – Understanding Sexual Minorities

— SKILLS – “Transgender, Transvestite, Transsexual”

— SOUL – Attractivism!

— STUMP THE SHRINK – Motivational Interviewing; The Among people

— SHAMELESS SELLING – Getting Healthy in 2010!

— Until Next Time

Welcome to the September edition of TIPS and TOPICS. Thanks for reading.

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August 2009 – Tips & Topics

Volume 7, No. 5
August 2009

In this issue
— Until Next Time

Thanks for reading the August edition of TIPS and TOPICS. Welcome to all our new readers.

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