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August 2019

All SOUL – grief, loss, and moving forward. Perspectives from my children and me.

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July 2019

Behavior Contracts – the good, the bad and how to move away from them; Surpises about food and the environment

In SAVVY, we focus on the advantages and disadvantages of Behavior Contracts.
In SKILLS, I invite you to delete Behavior Contracts from your clinical toolkit.
In SOUL, I was shocked to learn that that a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from putting food on the table.

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June 2019

What to do about addiction clients with prescribed, potentially addictive medications; Pickleball anyone?

In SAVVY and STUMP THE SHRINK, I respond to a question on what to do about psychiatric prescriptions for benzodiazepines and amphetamines in addiction treatment.
In SKILLS, assessment needs a skilled clinician who is savvy about addiction and mental illness who can evaluate specific diagnostic and treatment questions.
In SOUL, I was introduced to Pickleball and now exercise could actually be fun for me.

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May 2019

Lying and dishonesty in Treatment Courts and what to do; using ACCEPT with dishonesty; update on my grief process.

Welcome to the May edition of Tips and Topics (TNT). A special welcome and thanks to those readers who have been with me from the beginning and wrote to express their appreciation through all the years.

In SAVVY and STUMP THE SHRINK, I respond to a question on what to do about lying and dishonesty in Drug Courts – what is the role of sanctions?

In SKILLS, what is the role of treatment and judges and court teams when participants lie? Using ACCEPT as a structure to guide what to do.

In SOUL, I update where I am in my grieving process. It helps me to reflect and I hope helps you understand grief too.

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April 2019

What to do with poor outcomes: ACCEPT; my top 10 “Unvarnished Truths”

Welcome to the start of the 17 th year of Tips and Topics (TNT). Most of you were not a reader from Day 1 when I started writing TNT, April 2003. If you were, please write and let me know.
In SAVVY, I’m introducing an acronym to help think through what to do when a client, patient or participant is not doing well in treatment – ACCEPT © David Mee-Lee 2019.
In SKILLS, what is a poor outcome for your client in addiction treatment?
In SOUL, whether you are thinking about retirement or not, “21 Unvarnished Truths about Retirement” is a worthwhile list from which I highlight my favorites.

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March 2019

Guest writer Tips on Sports Betting; one more SOUL on losing my wife and grief

SAVVY and SKILLS – March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month, which is why this edition comes to you earlier than usual, so you can be aware. Having a guest writer was good for me as I continue in the acute phase of grieving over the loss of my wife a few weeks ago.

SOUL – A bit more on grief and loss this month and then I’ll leave that alone for a while – in Tips and Topics, not my life.

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January 2019

Addressing racial disparities; Unconscious bias and Nonviolent Communication; Africa and a cultural experience

Welcome to the New Year and the January edition of Tips and Topics (TNT). In this edition, the focus in SAVVY is on race relations, unconscious bias and the foundation for nonviolent communication.
SKILLS raises consciousness about systems barriers and biases which work against racial equality and ways to break down walls.
SOUL is about the adventure in Africa this month that will place me face to face with a very different culture.

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December 2018

Hope for working together for the greater good; Stump the Shrink and more Tiny Habits; That’s service.

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November 2018

Tiny Habits to make behavior change; Getting started with behavior change; No more thoughts and prayers

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